Adminos Admin Dashboard Template

Adminos is built for modern applications that are powered by bootstrap that supports
HTML/jQuery integrations. It includes lots of components, elements and widgets so that developers
don't waste time with the visual/design part. The theme is build for professional designer.
Adminos build for (bootstrap / jQuery ) and also has plain Javascript and style css files includes.
Current package contents
- - Static BS4 HTML Full Version
- - Static BS4 HTML Seed Project
- - Documentation
We will update the Adminos time to time, get in touch to get the latest update of Adminos Admin Dashboard.
Adminos provide few option for you layout app. There are:
- - Fixed sidebar
- - Fixed navbar
- - Fixed footer
- - RTL support
- - Layout top navigation
- - Off-canvas layout
- - 14 Color Skins
- - Responsive layout desktops, tablets, mobile devices
- - Built with Bootstrap 4.3.1 / 3.3.7
- - Flat UI with clean aesthetic style
- - Boxed View, Fluid view
- - HTML5 & CSS3
- - Responsive video
- - 13 different charts libraries
- - Animations CSS3
- - Various styles of tables
- - Well structured code
- - Drop zone file upload
- - Forum view
- - Truncate feature
- - Two timeline design
- - Data-maps
- - Agile Board
- - Blog view
- - Social feed
- - Code editor
- - Foo table
- - Small chat widget / clients chat page
- - Customized modal view
- - Nestable list
- - Validation
- - Landing page
- - SeedProject for easy fast build
- - Loading buttons
- - Mailbox
- - Teams board
- - Slick carousel
- - Off canvas menu
- - Metrics/Analytic view
- - Tag input
- - Right sidebar
- - Custom Material Design Skin
- - Pin board with color notes
- - Invoice
- - Dual select
- - User profile
- - Widgets page
- - E-commerce
- - Clock picker
- - Project detail
- - Form validation
- - Credit card form
- - Projects list
- - FAQ view
- - Calendar view
- - Gallery view
- - Local storage
- - Lock screen view
- - Login, register, error pages
- - Drag-able panels
- - and many more...
Plugin Credits
Please note that all images used in this theme are presented only for the demo purposes and cannot be used in your projects. Images come from,, and and from other website. Images are subjected to copyright of their respectful authors. It is the responsibility of the buyer to check its copyright before usage.
The plugins included and used in Adminos
- - Jquery / popper.js
- - Bootstrap 4 css front-end framework.
- - Ace-editor
- - Amcharts
- - Animate.css
- - Blueimp
- - Bootstrap4-editable
- - Bootstrap-datepicker
- - Bootstrap-daterangepicker
- - Bootstrap-maxlength
- - Bootstrap-multiselect
- - Bootstrap-rtl
- - Bootstrap-slider
- - BootstrapSocial
- - Bootstrap-tagsinput
- - Cs chart
- - Chartist
- - ChartJS
- - Ckeditor
- - Clndr
- - Codemirror
- - Cropper
- - D3 chart
- - Data-table
- - Datedropper
- - Easy pie chart
- - Echarts
- - Edit-Table
- - Ekko-lightbox
- - Flot Chart
- - Foo-Table
- - Form-masking
- - Full Calender.
- - Gritter
- - Hover-effect
- - iCheck
- - Intro.js
- - IonrangeSlider
- - Isotope
- - Jquery.cookie
- - Jquery.filer
- - Jquery.steps
- - Jquery-bar-rating
- - Jquery-minicolors
- - Jquery-slimscroll
- - Jquery-ui
- - Jquery-validation
- - Jqvmap
- - Jscolor
- - Jstree
- - Knob
- - Lightbox2
- - Long-press
- - Mervick
- - MetisMenu
- - Modal
- - Moment
- - Morris-bundle
- - Multiselect
- - Nestable-list
- - Notifications
- - Nvd3
- - Owl.carousel
- - Pace
- - Peity
- - Pnotify
- - Prism
- - Radial
- - Rickshaw
- - Select2
- - Slick-carousel
- - Sortable
- - Sparkline
- - Spectrum
- - Sticky
- - Sweetalert
- - Swiper
- - Switchery
- - Toastr
- - Toolbar
- - Touchpunch
- - Treeview
- - Tree-viewer
- - Underscore
- - Validate
- - and many more...
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"Template #" 109216 | |
Тип: | Admin Templates |
Author: | RefineThemes |
Downloads: | 36 |
Template # 109216 |
Type: Admin Templates |
Author: RefineThemes |
Downloads: 36 |
Topic: Business & Services, Finance,
Color: white, purple, cyan, orange,
tags: admin, bootstrap, dashboard, lightweight, professional, responsive, template, adminos, refinetheme,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,