Weeducate Education and E-Learning Admin Template

Weeducate Education and E-Learning Admin Dashboard
Weeducate, a bootstrap 4 Educational Dashboard template that is built for Nursery, Kindergarten, Playschool, Preschool, Daycare, Nanny services, School and other Education-based websites.. Package Include forty plus html5 management pages that can help you customize how your Educational admin Dashboard will look, and you can adjust its design based on your needs. It has a clean, unique, and out of the box design that will make you want to work on your dashboard. With over a 1,000+ elements, components and components, not even the sky is the limit with Weeducate. With user-friendly features developed to allow admins to easily achieve the design they are looking for, with no previous experience required and all located in an easy-to-find menu.
- Google and Vector Maps
- Data-tables
- Form elements, layouts and wizards
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Bootstrap 4.x
- jQuery
- 100+ pages
- 1 Dashboard Landing page
- 2 Color schemes
- Multiple layouts
- Quick bar Access
- 3 Applications
- Unlimited sidebars
- Quick-bar
- 100+ Components
- 1000+ UI elements
- Beautiful Charts
- Perfectly responsive on all screen sizes
- Easily Customizable
- Bootstrap Framework
- jQuery.js
- jQuery-ui.js
- Pexels
- Google Roboto Font
- charts.js
- morris-chart.js
- moment.js
- jQuery-countdown.js
- jQuery Steps.js
- Datatables.js
- Driver.js
- Animate.css
- Shutterctock
- perfect-scrollbar.js
- popper.js
- Slick.js
- Sweetalert.js
- toastr.js
- datamaps.js
- slick.js
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"Template #" 157945 | |
Тип: | Admin Templates |
Author: | Metropolitanthemes |
Downloads: | 7 |
Template # 157945 |
Type: Admin Templates |
Author: Metropolitanthemes |
Downloads: 7 |
Styles: Clean, Corporate, Artworks, Collage,
Topic: Education Templates, Primary School Templates, Education & Books, Colleges & Universities, Career & Special Education, Elementary School,
Color: black, white, grey, brown, orange,
tags: children, classes, education, kids, kindergarten, learning, nursery, portal, preschool, school, html, daycare, elementary school, dance school, home school, music school, school children, admin dashabord, educstion dashabord, school dashabord,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
pHPVersionCompatibility: 8.1, 8.0, 7.4, 8.2,
databaseServerCompatibility: MySQL 8.0, MySQL 5.7,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,