Gnarly - Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template

Introducing Gnarly, our sleek and modern Bootstrap 5 Admin template that combines simplicity with power. This versatile template is perfect for creating any web application or dashboard, providing a comprehensive range of features and components that make data and content management a breeze.
Gnarly is built with the latest version of Bootstrap 5 and is fully responsive, ensuring a great user experience across all devices. It comes with so many pre-built pages, such as multiple dashboards, user management applications, inbox applications, and much more.
Gnarly offers a fresh and modern design that can be updated and changed seamlessly and is surely going to impress your visitors. The template includes a plethora of UI components such as toasts, tables, buttons, datatables, charts, widgets, and much more. This makes your development process much faster and easier. Plus, you can use the fully documented codebase to update whatever you want in the template with ease.
- Google and Vector Maps
- Datatables
- Form elements, layouts and wizards
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Bootstrap 5.x
- jQuery
- 70+ pages
- 2 Color schemes
- Multiple layouts
- Quick bar Access
- 3 Applications
- Unlimited sidebars
- Quickbar
- 100+ Components
- 1000+ UI elements
- Beautiful Charts
- Perfectly responsive on all screen sizes
- Easily Customizable
- Bootstrap Framework
- jQuery.js
- jQuery-ui.js
- Pexels
- Google Lato Font
- charts.js
- morris-chart.js
- moment.js
- jQuery-countdown.js
- jQuery Steps.js
- Datatables.js
- Driver.js
- Animate.css
- Shutterctock
- perfect-scrollbar.js
- popper.js
- Slick.js
- Sweetalert.js
- toastr.js
- datamaps.js
- slick.js
Fonts used
- Lato
Note that the images used are for demo purposes only and are not included in the package
Offline Documentation included in product file
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"Template #" 329181 | |
Тип: | Admin Templates |
Author: | AndromedaThemes |
Downloads: | 5 |
Template # 329181 |
Type: Admin Templates |
Author: AndromedaThemes |
Downloads: 5 |
Styles: Clean, Minimalist, Neutral, Mobile, Flat,
Topic: IT Templates, Business & Services,
Color: black, white,
tags: admin, analytics, bootstrap, charts, dashboard, gulp, multipurpose, responsive, template, admin dashboard, admin template, html dashboard,
webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,
generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,