Indie Festival Music Flyer

Indie Festival Music Flyer
Flyer template is designed for multipurpose businesses. Very easy to use and customize. Perfect for event, promotion, parties, music, festival etc.
+ Fully Layered Ai & PSD file
+ 100% Vector Editable
+ High Quality
+ Easy Customizable and Editable
+ Size : A4 (210 mm x 291 mm) + Bleed area
+ CMYK @300DPI - Print Ready Format
+ Free Font Use
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"Template #" 274987 | |
Тип: | Unique Corporate Identity |
Author: | ArtnivoraStd |
Downloads: | 0 |
Template # 274987 |
Type: Unique Corporate Identity |
Author: ArtnivoraStd |
Downloads: 0 |
Color: white, grey,
tags: band, design, event, fest, festival, flyer, graphic, indie, modern, music, musical, party, poster, print, retro, simple, sound, template, print template, indie music,
Topic: Music Festival Templates, Music Templates, Art & Culture,
compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,
tags: band, design, event, fest, festival, flyer, graphic, indie, modern, music, musical, party, poster, print, retro, simple, sound, template, print template, indie music,
Topic: Music Festival Templates, Music Templates, Art & Culture,
compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,