
Launching of New Real Estate Building Project Template

Unique Corporate Identity


Professional and creative Photoshop editable template of the new building project launching ceremony in a very attractive and colorful style. It is like the curtain or veil is being pulled up or removed from the new building. The files included in the zipped folder are PSD, Jpeg and text info files for how to use it and the fonts information.

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"Template #" 369437
Тип: Unique Corporate Identity
Author: KhushiGraphics
Downloads: 0
Template # 369437
Type: Unique Corporate Identity
Author: KhushiGraphics
Downloads: 0
Topic: Architecture, Construction Company Templates, Real Estate Agency Templates, Real Estate Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Home & Family,

Color: grey, cyan, green,

tags: advertising, agency, brochure, building, business, company, construction, corporate, creative, design, flyer, home, house, launching, marketing, property, template, real estate, coming soon, ready for sale,

compatibility: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop,

filesIncluded: PSD, JPEG,

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