
Black or Color images?

You do not need to destroy your images, using programs to convert your images to black and white, you just have to activate the option in the template settings or deactivate it if you want to show images in color. This is so flexible that you can even display color images in some sections while having Black Images enabled. Life has to be easy.

From our demo panel you can see the images in color or black and white  

Main Features

This template is built using modern technologies for website creation. With features like drag & drop, live editor and others for a better user experience.

Helix Ultimate 2

Helix Ultimate 2 is the latest and best template framework for Joomla. It’s a user-friendly, modern, and highly customizable. Add, revome, reorder and configure each part of your site.

SP Page Builder

Real-time Frontend Site Building with 73+ Addons. Just drag and drop to new frontend editing system for create your website in few hours, watching your customizations LIVE in real-time.

Bootstrap 5

We use Bootstrap to create responsive Mobile-first sites. The most popular framework in the world with new technologies such as HTML5, Sass and powerful JavaScript plugins.

Prebuilt Websites

We include the Quick Start Pack with 6 pre-built sites, ready to use, just install, select, and fill your content. All changes are made at the click of a mouse, selecting, dragging and dropping.


Our portfolio system gives you unlimited variation possibilities, combine features and add an image gallery for each project and unlimited project information.


In the list of items you can show images, and videos with their titles, categories, tags and intro text.


You can organize the items in your portfolio into categories and subcategories or tags.


To filter your items you can use tags or categories depending of your organization. You can disable it.


You can choose square, rectangle, tower, or mixed (masonry), and change the dimensions of each.


Default and Gallery; in both you can show or combine the aforementioned characteristics.

Single View

In addition to the content you can show a gallery of images and unlimited project info.

Header Styles

Select one of the 9 Header Styles with a single click, all with module positions so you can post what you want. Each of the styles can be overlapped on a slider, page title or component as we have done in the Prebuilt wesites. To change the color you just have to select a different Preset Color.

These styles are not enough for you? you can use the layout builder to create your own header.


Customizing the prebuilt Websites or creating your own version is easy with this template, you just have to select your preferences according to your needs.


6 predefined colors, but you can select your own colors for top bar, header, menu, body, footer, links, text and headings from the template options.


From the template styles you can modify the layout for the entire site or for a single page, customize your error or coming soon pages and more


The pages have been built with SP Page Builder, and advanced modules for add blog posts and photo galleries. You don't need know code, everything is visual

6+ Blog Styles

We like to make life easy for you and make your website unique, that's why we have created an advanced blogging system where you can select 6 styles with a single click. Enable/disable Masonry, number of columns for each device, images, video, audio, gallery, comments, related articles and buttons to share on social networks. You can add sidebar left or right to all blog styles.


Each blog style have their own layout to show blogs anywhere with same style.


Easy to Setup

Having your website ready on the internet is so easy that only 3 steps are enough.


Install Demo

Install the quick start package included in the file to download after purchasing.

Select Version

Convert as default your preferred home version with a single click.

Fill Your Data

Add content using live page builder or your preferred extension.

Why Choose Sombra

There are many reasons to choose Barbon for your new web project. Below we will describe the main reasons that make it your best option.

Trusted by 43K

Unitemplates have more than 43K satisfied customers and still growing.

Extensions Included

We include updated packages of the extensions used in the template.


Our documentation is detailed, well organized and easy of understand.

Dedicated Support

We answer your queries immediately when they arrive at our inbox.

Quickstart Package

Create a clon of our demo on your remote or local hosting in minutes.

Template Layout Builder

Add, remove, edit and configure each module position of your website.

Sp Page Builder

The best Drang & Drop and LIVE real-time Page Builder for Joomla.

Headers & Footers

One-click header layout change, and editable Footer variations.

Bootstrap 5

We use Bootstrap 5 inside helix Ultimate with HTML5, SCSS.


Animate the rows, columns and addons with several effects.

Unlimited Colors

You can select your colors in the template builder and in page builder.

Google Fonts

Choose your preferred font, from the entire google fonts list.

Exclusive Addons

Includes more than 7 exclusive Unitemplates addons.

Blog Layouts

Classic columns and masonry layouts to create beautiful blogs.

Megamenu & Off-canvas

Amazing mega menu for desktops and elegant offcanvas for mobile.


Multi locations maps from Google maps or Open Street Maps.


Add videos from popular platforms or local in common formats.


Add audio from popular platforms or local in common formats.

Many More

This template have more features like regular updates, etc, etc.

Do Much More!

This template has 6 prebuilt websites, but you have tons of features like the ones mentioned above and over 73+ addons with many styles for each one. This allows you to create websites of all kinds.

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Contact Us

Tupac Amaru 200 - Comas
Lima - Perú
Office: +51 5574656
WhatsApp: +51 987 654 321

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