About Me

Hey It's Pufo Milan . I Am A Good Web Designer

That's wonderful, Pufo Milan! Being a skilled web designer is a valuable talent in today's digital age. It requires a combination of creativity, technical skills, and an understanding of user experience. As a web designer, you have the ability to create visually appealing and functional websites that cater to the needs of your clients or target audience. Whether you specialize in user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, responsive design, or front-end development.

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Experience and skill

Pufo Milan! Being a skilled web designer is a valuable talent in today's digital age.

2021 - 2023 (Ui designer)
Google Corporation.

As a web designer, you have the ability to create visually appealing and functional websites.

2021 - 2023 (Ui designer)
Apple Product Co.

As a web designer, you have the ability to create visually appealing and functional websites.

2021 - 2023 (Ui designer)
lead designer musicsoft

As a web designer, you have the ability to create visually appealing and functional websites.

2011 - 2014 (Ui designer)
lBruno Mars As.

As a web designer, you have the ability to create visually appealing and functional websites.

60% Branding Design
70% UI & UX Design
30% Web Design
90% illustration
our services WHAT WE DO

Services and Solutions

Pufo Milan! Being a skilled web designer is a valuable talent in today's digital age.

design principales

Need a project completed by an expert? Let’s go! Access a Human Resources Consultant to answer questions

Unique Values

Need a project completed by an expert? Let’s go! Access a Human Resources Consultant to answer questions

Style Components

Need a project completed by an expert? Let’s go! Access a Human Resources Consultant to answer questions

Testimonials Testimonials

Happy Clients TO says

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All OUR PAYMENT options

Pufo Milan! Being a skilled web designer is a valuable talent in today's digital age.


$49 /Project

  • 8 Hrs Photography Session
  • 1 Senior Photographer
  • Provide All Photography Instrument
  • Provide Soft Copy
  • 2 Junior Photographer
  • Provide Hard Copy
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$69 /Project

  • 8 Hrs Photography Session
  • 1 Senior Photographer
  • Provide All Photography Instrument
  • Provide Soft Copy
  • 2 Junior Photographer
  • Provide Hard Copy
  • Videography
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$139 /Project

  • 8 Hrs Photography Session
  • 1 Senior Photographer
  • Provide All Photography Instrument
  • Provide Soft Copy
  • 2 Junior Photographer
  • Provide Hard Copy
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