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Furniture should always be comfortable. And always have a piece of art that you made somewhere in the home.I give unto my wife my second best bed with the furniture.

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When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task. I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.
Sheikh Musa - Senior officer of Gogrin

When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task. I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.
Sheikh Musa - Senior officer of Gogrin

When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task. I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.
Sheikh Musa - Senior officer of Gogrin

When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task. I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.
Sheikh Musa - Senior officer of Gogrin

When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task. I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.
Sheikh Musa - Senior officer of Gogrin

When your home is perfect, every plant in place, every piece of furniture suits the space completely - you've completed a task. I look at every piece of furniture and every object as an individual sculpture.
Sheikh Musa - Senior officer of Gogrin

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