Play, Learn and Grow

Edube Childcare, we

are Professional...

School is the place where we start our learning. Apart from learning to read, write, and excel in academics, the school also teaches us valuable life lessons that we can incorporate in our daily lives.

Play, Learn and Grow

Edube Childcare, we

are Professional...

School is the place where we start our learning. Apart from learning to read, write, and excel in academics, the school also teaches us valuable life lessons that we can incorporate in our daily lives.


Play, Learn and Grow

Edube Childcare, we

are Professional...

School is the place where we start our learning. Apart from learning to read, write, and excel in academics, the school also teaches us valuable life lessons that we can incorporate in our daily lives.

Play, Learn and Grow

Edube Childcare, we

are Professional...

School is the place where we start our learning. Apart from learning to read, write, and excel in academics, the school also teaches us valuable life lessons that we can incorporate in our daily lives.


Certified teacher

Education must be given top priority by every country. All children and youth of a country must have access

24/7 Online Support

Education must be given top priority by every country. All children and youth of a country must have access

Best Teaching

Education must be given top priority by every country. All children and youth of a country must have access

Online Class

Education must be given top priority by every country. All children and youth of a country must have access

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One who is educated possesses the knowledge and awareness to live life meaningfully in harmony with other humans and the world around. Through the role that education plays in the mental and intellectual advancement

Our Mision

It has a structured and organized set-up of sylla bus and evaluation system through examinations. The informal system includes learning and study through various alternative














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There are three distinct types of Education- Formal Education, Non-Formal Education, and Informal Education. Education aims to change the way of one’s thinking. Academic knowledge provides one leaning

our teachers, They are our pride

our expert teachers are here

Liza Ahammed

CSE in Masters

Muhammad Khan

Head of Department

Junayed Khan

UI / UX Designer

Ikra Aziz

Expart in English

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There are three distinct types of Education- Formal Education, Non-Formal Education, and Informal Education. Education aims to change the way of one’s thinking. Academ ic knowledge provides one leaning

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