Face Massage

Will bring your body into a state of balance, gives deep relaxation, intense influx of vitality, while significantly increasing the tone of blood vessels and increasing joint mobility.
Will bring your body into a state of balance, gives deep relaxation, intense influx of vitality, while significantly increasing the tone of blood vessels and increasing joint mobility.
Technique of performance includes patting that allow you to activate the metabolic processes in the tissues of the body, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Foot-massage is Thai foot massage, which can improve the tone of blood vessels, get rid of the accumulated excess liquid and a feeling of heaviness in the legs, relieve muscle tension.
Chocolate wrap is a spa treatment that you can try at Studio of Massage Art. This procedure will appeal to everyone without exception, and especially - to those who love chocolate, because he is the basis of this massage.
Relax aroma massage with hot candles at the Massage Arts Studio is the procedure that everyone should try at least once in a lifetime, because his technique is unique. This massage is carried out with the help of a melted butter of a candle, which gently rubbed into your body.
This massage is carried out with the help of a melted butter of a candle, which gently rubbed into your body. Incredible sweet fragrances will help you relax and calm down quickly, you can get away from the routine, forget about problems and relax in full.
Thai-ji massage is one of the elements of Thai massage. This massage is special because it is performed using special herbal bags, which gives incredible tactile feelings and unforgettable aromas of herbs collection.