Providing recording and rehearsal space to musicians throughout the area. We can help with any of your recording needs. Here artists can easily record their music and songs to share them with people
More infoHello There!
welcome to our recording studio
Our Recording Studio is your one-stop spot for all of your professional recording needs. We offer an individual working environment that allows artists and bands to focus on their creative and artistic processes. Our recording and monitoring rooms are designed to achieve the most precise possible acoustic properties and sound. Studio features a considerable collection of cutting-edge and vintage equipment.

Shortly About Us
This is a creative space with even more of the talented engineering and state-of-the-art equipment for which we’ve been known since the very beginning.
Our Recording Studio is a truly full-service recording and production facility. We try our best to provide our clients with an exceptional full service experience, including helping you customize your stay with our housing partners, locate and hire musicians and producers for your project, and providing concierge services to help you enjoy all that recording studio has to offer during your time here.
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Telephone: +1 800 603 6035
28 Jackson Blvd Ste 1020
Chicago, IL 60604-2340