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Military Contact Pastors
When you or a loved one is stationed stateside, a nearby Military pastor and congregation are ready to serve with Word and Sacraments. Over a hundred Military pastors have been asked to serve area military installations as “Military Contact Pastors.” Please use the online referral form to provide us with accurate address information as often as it changes. It is important that we receive up-to-date contact information, and since moves are frequent.
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Military Services
The committee carries out its mission through a ministry-by-mail program, a full-time civilian chaplain in Europe, and a national civilian chaplain and liaison to the military. Chaplain John Anderson serves hundreds of military personnel and civilians in Europe. He and his family live in Spiesheim, Germany and minister to military personnel and civilians scattered throughout Europe. As Military’s national civilian chaplain and liaison to the military, Pastor Patrick Pool maintains regular contact with many Military troops and their families. He coordinates training conferences for WELS military contact pastors and orients and mentors new military contact pastors.
When military clearance and funding permit, he supervises periodic chaplain trips to the Middle East or other areas of hostility. One hundred twenty-two WELS pastors who live near military installations in the continental U.S.
He coordinates training conferences for military contact pastors and orients and mentors new military contact pastors. When military clearance and funding permit, he supervises periodic chaplain trips to the Middle East or other areas of hostility. One hundred twenty-two Military pastors who live near military installations in the continental U.S. and select nations overseas stand ready to serve our military personnel and their families as part-time Military civilian chaplains.
We continue to send free copies of Meditations, a printed monthly worship service, and taped audio and/or video worship services to military personnel and civilians on our mailing list.

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Types of Military Services
There are many ways to serve your country in the Military, many of them not involving combat. In fact, about 85 percent of today’s enlisted military jobs are non-combat. Such positions support the fighting forces, aid in disaster relief, construct infrastructure, provide medical care and legal help and much more. Essentially, any job you can find in a major city, you can find in the U.S. Military.
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Military Devotions
We see our salvation in Christ – even in the most complex and dangerous situations, faith and love are the only things that help our soldiers not to break down and give up and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom.
Sam Kromstain pastor
Our soldiers serve our nation worldwide. While the military situation in the USA may not always seem serene, in other countries it is even more pessimistic. And that’s why our pastors constantly help our soldiers worldwide supporting their spiritual state and helping them to stay precise and concentrated even in the most complicated situations. We also help needy residents of problem regions worldwide. It has been encouraged by the chants of protest against God that rise from the swarm of humans also in revolt. At times gullible, we can find ourselves believing the lies.