Small groups are great for meeting and caring for others. One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal, and our small groups are the ideal place for that.
Because we've been given so much, we love giving back. Engaging in service leads to life change. Whether you serve in a ministry at Jesus Christian Church, or in the world, God calls us to serve one another.
We encourage our new members to improve our church and its community by spreading the Word of God to other people who are doubting whether their faith is real or what power their prayer has. We can help you find your true place in church life.
Small groups are great for meeting and caring for others. One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal, and our small groups are the ideal place for that.
Because we've been given so much, we love giving back. Engaging in service leads to life change. Whether you serve in a ministry at Jesus Christian Church, or in the world, God calls us to serve one another.
We encourage our new members to improve our church and its community by spreading the Word of God to other people who are doubting whether their faith is real or what power their prayer has. We can help you find your true place in church life.
Small groups are great for meeting and caring for others. One of the central ways we grow as disciples of Jesus is by having intentional relationships with people who share the same goal, and our small groups are the ideal place for that.
Because we've been given so much, we love giving back. Engaging in service leads to life change. Whether you serve in a ministry at Jesus Christian Church, or in the world, God calls us to serve one another.
We encourage our new members to improve our church and its community by spreading the Word of God to other people who are doubting whether their faith is real or what power their prayer has. We can help you find your true place in church life.
Fast-forward two thousand years! Much of what passes as prayer are memorized words, faith-less repetition and a lot of whining, No inspiration here.
Deep inside you know there is a better way. Take a look at one of those ways. Pray Scripture One rapid way to build a powerful prayer life is to pray Scripture.
But for starters, try this. Take one verse of Scripture that has meaning for you and that you have need of. Try Psalm 91:11. He sets His angels to guard you in all your ways.
Our desire is for you to find Christian Church to be a friendly place to begin and nurture your spiritual journey. We are a place where your whole family can explore the Christian faith together. Here you will find inspiring messages, practical help, uplifting music and real relationships.
A Podcast is typically a type of "radio broadcast" that you can download and play on your computer or mobile device. We have chosen to harness this technology to bring you the newest sermons we post as the Spirit of Life Christian Church Podcast.
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. Request a prayer.
Gospel is an incredibly beautiful way for a Christian community to share the core miracles and parables of the Holy Bible… Join our church community today and sing along with us at our Saturday and Sunday gospel classes.