Defend Wildlife
We can fight back against special interests trying to undo and prevent laws to protect imperiled wildlife. Defend wildlife by giving!
With a mission to protect our ecosystem and native species for generations to come.
We can fight back against special interests trying to undo and prevent laws to protect imperiled wildlife. Defend wildlife by giving!
Without action from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, this warm, welcome respite for manatees could be threatened by tourism.
Bring something wild - for yourself, or as a gift! You can help protect real animals in the wild with our symbolic wildlife adoptions.
Wild Life works to cultivate a respectful view of nonhuman animals, free-living and domestic. Our goal is to free animals from cruelty and institutionalized exploitation around the world. Wild Life's President is Angela Steward, who works out of Wild Life's International Headquarters in Darien, Connecticut. The projects and services are entirely supported by
membership contributions, bequests, and grants. Our continued strength depends upon the generosity of our members and donors. We inform members about animal advocacy issues and our progress in addressing them through our magazine, Act•ionLine, our Web site and other reports. We encourage our members to get involved in their own communities as volunteer activists and as representatives of our spay/neuter project.
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