Loving God, loving others and serving the world
Praise the Lord and serve the world
you are Welcome
Sharing the God’s love with everyone
Our mission is helping people find their way back to God. We accomplish this by reaching people far from God, restoring God’s dream for the world, and reproducing this mission in others. There are three key relationships that help you develop a growing relationship with Jesus.

you are Welcome
Sharing the God’s love with everyone
We experience biblical community through small groups. Me & The World – We contribute our time, talents and resources to further the Jesus Mission in our communities and in the world.
urgent causes
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Reaching those who are far from God – We live out the Jesus Mission together in community through our small groups and ministries. Restoring God’s dream for the world.

“We are dedicated to Uniting People to Restore Communities. Global Ministries is dedicated to changing the world one person at a time.”
Justin Kendrick
Lead Pastor

“We are dedicated to Uniting People to Restore Communities. Global Ministries is dedicated to changing the world one person at a time.”
Brandon Nguyen
Lead Pastor
Where to find us
Many locations

Reproducing the mission in others
- 3605 Parker Rd undefined Corpus Christi, Iowa 82738 United States

We further the Jesus Mission
- 3605 Parker Rd undefined Corpus Christi, Iowa 82738 United States
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