
Theater Performance Joomla Template

Joomla Templates

Description: Create a magnificent performance for your visitors online, just as you do it on stage, by means of Theater Performance Premium Joomla Templates. Satisfy your inner perfectionist with a theme color switcher tool. With an abundant UI kit, you can edit the theme's layout to a perfection. Sharing buttons, stunning gallery and user-friendly design you can make your site an eye-candy. We have added Google map to help your future customers find you in a blink of an eye. Contact form lets your visitors always stay in touch with your company. Parallax scrolling effect would definitely help you to overcome the highest expectations of the harshest critics.

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This is a Parallax Culture Magazine Joomla design template

What is it?

When you travel someplace, distant things move a lot slower than the nearby ones. Replica of such an effect on the online site - if the background picture shifts slower as compared to the subject material, is known as parallax. It will be used to make a feeling of space in the web-site visitor's eyes.

Why is it Good?

Parallax scroll looks stunning and glues users' sight to the images and content modules.

Find more Parallax Joomla templates here

This is a Bootstrap Comedy Theater Joomla design template

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open-source framework for building online websites.

Why is it Good?

By making usage of Bootstrap, you can also make completely responsive internet sites by means of HTML and CSS based templates for typography, print styles, forms, buttons, tables, and so forth.

Find more Bootstrap Joomla designs here

This Drama Theater Joomla design is Responsive

What is it?

This is basically the ability of the page layout to transform according to the width of the screen.

Why is it Good?

Responsive design will help your internet-site appear equally cool on display of any existing desktop or portable device.

Fresh Responsive Joomla themes here

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"Template #" 60082
Тип: Joomla Templates
Author: RockThemes
Downloads: 54
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Template # 60082
Type: Joomla Templates
Author: RockThemes
Downloads: 54
joomlaModules: Articles - Newsflash, Articles Single, Bootstrap Collapse, Bootstrap Tabs, TM Ajax Contact Form, Komento,

Features: Responsive, Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Tabs, Quickstart Package, Advanced Theme Options, Blog, Gallery, Forum, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS, Parallax,

Template Sources: .PSD, .PHP,

Template Software Required: Adobe Photoshop CC+, Sublime Text2 or later, Notepad++ or any php-editor, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac),

Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

tags: actor, actress, adventure, archive, art, broadway, business, comedy, conference, crime, detective, discussion, drama, entertainment, event, events, exhibition, festival, gallery, genre, historical, information, journal, links, music, musical, musician, opera, opinion, performance, photo, romance, show, site, spectacle, star, theater, theatre, ticket, tickets, visitors, blog, webpage,

Topic: Theater Templates, Entertainment Templates, Art & Culture, Entertainment, Games & Nightlife,

Styles: Neutral, Dark, Flat,

Web Forms: Contact Form, Login Form, User Registration, Search Form,

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