
White Queen Chess Club - Chess Joomla Template

Joomla Templates


Do you love chess and would like to create a blog about it? Or maybe you have a chess club and need a website to tell the latest news? One way or another, you will need a classy and elegant template and White Queen Chess Club Premium Joomla Templates was created right for that purpose. The design is rather modern, built according to the latest trends, but it still makes a visitor feel himself in an old-fashioned chess club, with wooden figures and a smell of antiquities. The blog part is strictly organized, the posts could be filtered y date and category, which eases the process of searching for some kind of information.

This Chess Championship Joomla design theme is Retina Ready

What is it?

Retina Ready is a layout that is easily adapted to high pixel density monitors.

Why is it Good?

Apple gadgets were first to get Retina displays, nevertheless nowadays their rivals make use of that technology as well. Numerous mobile phones and tablets possess Retina displays, so when you want your internet page to look great for any user - you must use a Retina-ready web theme.

Browse for more Retina Ready Joomla templates here

This Outdoorssports Joomla template is Responsive

What is it?

This is basically the ability of the page layout to change according to the width of the display.

Why is it Good?

Smart phones drive 80percent of global cyberspace usage. It's imperative to build your web page responsive if you don't desire to drop your clients.

View latest Responsive Joomla templates here

This is a Bootstrap Outdoorssports Joomla theme

What is it?

Bootstrap is an open source grid-based framework that allows the development of responsive websites.

Why is it Good?

Bootstrap is a very helpful tool and that is the cause it is extremely well-liked. Utilizing this framework, it is possible to build responsive design, appropriate to any form of display size, prototype brand new designs without challenges and ensure your own web page is cross-browser compatible.

Find more Bootstrap Joomla templates here

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"Template #" 74419
Тип: Joomla Templates
Author: RockThemes
Downloads: 10
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Template # 74419
Type: Joomla Templates
Author: RockThemes
Downloads: 10
Features: Responsive, Admin Panel, Bootstrap, Retina Ready, Dropdown Menu, Google map, Sample content, Quickstart Package, Advanced Theme Options, HTML plus JS,

Web Forms: Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration, Search Form,

joomlaModules: Articles - Newsflash, Articles Single, Bootstrap Collapse, Bootstrap Tabs, TM Ajax Contact Form, Komento,

Topic: Chess Templates, Sport Templates, Sports, Outdoors & Travel,

Color: black, white, grey,

tags: chess, entertainment, blog, joomla,

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