
Beetle Music Logo Template

Unique Logo Templates


Unique and creative design logo template of the Beetle with the wings open and in the old record player shape in red color theme and in a very attractive and professional style for any type of business or service. Its clean, elegant, minimalist and hand-crafted design.

The files included are Ai vector, Pdf, jpeg and png transparent background file formats for web and print use.

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"Template #" 236191
Тип: Unique Logo Templates
Author: KhushiGraphics
Downloads: 0
Template # 236191
Type: Unique Logo Templates
Author: KhushiGraphics
Downloads: 0
Topic: Music Store Templates, Media Templates, Music Templates, Design, Art & Culture, Design & Photography, Business & Services,

Color: white, brown, red,

tags: band, beautiful, beauty, beetle, bird, clean, club, disc, disco, entertainment, insect, jazz, minimalist, music, musician, professional, record, symphony, music player, paly,

compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw,

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