
Logo royal king in new style

Topic: Art Templates, Beauty Templates, Fashion Templates, Jewelry Templates, Art & Culture, Fashion & Beauty,

tags: animal, beast, brave, crest, crown, gold, head, illustration, king, leader, lion, logo, luxury, mascot, power, predator, royal, strength, lion head, big cat,

graphicsType: Vector, Raster,

compatibility: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop,

filesIncluded: PNG, EPS,

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"Template #" 339583
Тип: Unique Logo Templates
Author: cumpanyLogos
Downloads: 0
Template # 339583
Type: Unique Logo Templates
Author: cumpanyLogos
Downloads: 0
Topic: Art Templates, Beauty Templates, Fashion Templates, Jewelry Templates, Art & Culture, Fashion & Beauty,

tags: animal, beast, brave, crest, crown, gold, head, illustration, king, leader, lion, logo, luxury, mascot, power, predator, royal, strength, lion head, big cat,

graphicsType: Vector, Raster,

compatibility: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop,

filesIncluded: PNG, EPS,

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