
Initial letter real estate logo image

Unique Logo Templates


The image is a logo design for a company in the real estate industry. The company name is not provided, but the text "REAL ESTATE" and a placeholder for a slogan are included in the design.

The image features text, a logo, a specific font, symbols, graphics, and overall design elements.

The logo can be customized, the format is EPS and the font used can be downloaded for free from the web.

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"Template #" 409705
Тип: Unique Logo Templates
Author: PaoloBrt
Downloads: 0
Template # 409705
Type: Unique Logo Templates
Author: PaoloBrt
Downloads: 0
Topic: Real Estate Agency Templates, Land Broker Templates, Home Staging Templates, Real Estate Templates, Mortgage Templates, Business & Services, Finance, Property Management,

tags: agent, arrow, brand, estate, hotel, ideas, land, letter, manager, mansion, marketing, men, outline, property, real, rent, residential, real estate, no people, females,

compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop,

filesIncluded: JPEG, EPS,

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