NUEDATA Tech Logo Template, N Latter tech logo, data transfer modern logo

NUEDATA Logo Template, N Latter tech logo, data transfer modern logo
Logo Template:
- Full vectors
- 100% Editable and Scalable
- Editable colors
- RGB colors
- Print ready
- Free Font Link
Files Inclided :
- Adobe Illustrator CC - Main Logo AI File
- Adobe Illustrator CC - CMYK AI File
- Adobe Illustrator CC - Logo Versions AI File
- Adobe Illustrator CC - Logo Versions EPS CC
- Adobe Illustrator CC - Main Logo EPS File
- Adobe Illustrator Main Logo EPS 10 - Text Not Editable
- Adobe Photoshop PSD
- High Res 6400 X 4000 Main logo PNG And JPG Files.
You can easily change the color/text.
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Satisfied Customers
"Template #" 419137 | |
Тип: | Unique Logo Templates |
Author: | DezineRoom |
Downloads: | 0 |
Template # 419137 |
Type: Unique Logo Templates |
Author: DezineRoom |
Downloads: 0 |
Topic: Information Security Templates, Software Templates, Computers & Internet,
tags: computing, connectivity, cooperate, data, engineering, hosting, letter, network, professional, server, service, software, storage, tech, technical, technology, transfer, typography, upload, information technology,
compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,
filesIncluded: JPG, PSD, PNG, EPS, AI, TXT,
tags: computing, connectivity, cooperate, data, engineering, hosting, letter, network, professional, server, service, software, storage, tech, technical, technology, transfer, typography, upload, information technology,
compatibility: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop,
filesIncluded: JPG, PSD, PNG, EPS, AI, TXT,