
DChain - NFT Digital Creative PowerPoint Template

PowerPoint Templates


Introducing **DChain - NFT Digital Creative PowerPoint Template**


- 30 Total Slides

- All graphics resizable and editable

- Used and recommended free web fonts

- Based on Master Slides & color theme

- 16:9 Wide Screen Ratio

- Picture Placeholder

- Just Drag and Drop!

- Easily Editable!


- PowerPoint .PPTX file

- PowerPoint .PPT file

- Documentation File


- Open sans : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans

- Montserrat : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Montserrat

- Lato : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Lato

**Note: All images on the demo is just for preview purpose only and not actually included on the files**

Hope you Like it.


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"Template #" 368521
Тип: PowerPoint Templates
Author: YeenStudio
Downloads: 0
Template # 368521
Type: PowerPoint Templates
Author: YeenStudio
Downloads: 0
Color: black, purple, blue,

tags: business, concept, digital, future, futuristic, game, innovation, modern, music, party, photography, technology, virtual, cyber, pitch deck, vr, virtual reality, simulation, nft, metaverse,

Topic: Photography Templates, Information Security Templates, Games Templates, Night Club Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Business & Services, Computers & Internet, Entertainment, Games & Nightlife, Finance,

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