
Trooper - Military & Army Powerpoint Template

PowerPoint Templates


Trooper - Military & Army Powerpoint Template

Military Education & Training, Army Fashion & Lifestyle - Powerpoint Template


Simple, clean, minimalist, modern, and professional presentation template.

It is a multipurpose business presentation template. 

Perfect for any kind of military presentation, military education & training, army fashion & clothing, proposal, startup pitch deck, company profile, marketing kit, etc.

- 25 Total Slides

- Resizable and editable graphics

- 100% free fonts

- 16:9 Wide Screen Layout 

- Drag and drop image placeholder

Files Included:

- Powerpoint .PPTX file

- Help file (README_INFO.txt and HELPFILE.pdf)


Note: All the images are just for preview purpose only, not included in the presentation file


Thanks :-)

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"Template #" 381659
Тип: PowerPoint Templates
Author: fluffstudio
Downloads: 0
Template # 381659
Type: PowerPoint Templates
Author: fluffstudio
Downloads: 0
Topic: Veterans Templates, Army Templates, Gun Shop Templates, Military Templates, Fashion & Beauty, Society & People, Uniform Store, Military School,

Template Software Required: PowerPoint 2003 or 2007 (better), Powerpoint 2007 (recommended) or Powerpoint 2003,

Color: black, grey, green,

Features: Multipurpose, Team Members, Drag and Drop Content, Gallery, Portfolio,

tags: academy, army, clothing, education, force, marine, military, patriot, patriotic, police, school, soldier, training, uniform, corps,

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