
Leo MixKids - Fashion Store Prestashop Theme

PrestaShop Themes


Leo MixKids theme is created with beautiful design in fashion. It will be a perfect choice for any online business E-commerce such as kid fashion, toys, kid or mommy items like clothing, fashion clothing, accessories, bags, glasses, hats, belts, jewelry, even furniture, interior decor items, …

With Leo Mixkids theme, you can pick from among 02+ demos homepages, for kid websites or other Ecommerce websites you like. The beautiful theme is impressed with not only attractive design, but also the most innovative Page Builder - Leo Elements. With the support of Leo Elements, your website builder becomes easier than ever. From header builder, homepage content, product, categories, or other inner pages. See the changes in real-time. Super convenient and easy to use and customize.

Also, Leo Mixkids theme brings a lot of blog layouts, well-designed inner pages and many other features that will help your fashion website stand out of the crowd.

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"Template #" 297025
Тип: PrestaShop Themes
Author: Leothemes
Downloads: 0
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Template # 297025
Type: PrestaShop Themes
Author: Leothemes
Downloads: 0
Language Support: English, French, Spanish, Russian,

Features: Admin Panel, Ajax, Dropshipping, Dropdown Menu, Drag and Drop Content, HTML 5, JQuery,

Currencies: USD, GBP, EUR,

Topic: Fashion Templates, Fashion & Beauty, Kids' fashion,

Color: white, grey, pink,

tags: accessories, clothing, gift shop, leotheme, kid toys, lego shop, child presents, lethemeteam,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

itemDoubts: changed-my-mind, you-are-in-good-hands, sweet-bonus-for-you, not-sure-about-your-technical-expertise, why-should-i-choose-templatemonster-s-prestashop-theme,

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