
Poket – Fuel Station, Gas Pump & Oill Website Template

Website Templates


Poket is a Fuel Station, Gas Pump & Oil Website Template. Poket is a new invention that has the potential to change the way you fill up your gas tank. Poket turns your car into a personal gas station that can be refueled at any time and from any location. No more going to a gas station, no more fighting traffic, no more running out of gas. With Poket, you can fill up in under a minute and you can even control the gas pump with your smartphone!

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"Template #" 295288
Тип: Website Templates
Downloads: 4
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Template # 295288
Type: Website Templates
Downloads: 4
Topic: Gas & Oil Templates, Industrial Templates, Business & Services,

Color: black, white,

tags: black, company, construction, corporate, deliver, distribution, distributor, engineering, factory, gas, gasoline, industrial, industry, mining, oil, plant, production, steel, supply, technology,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

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