
Brickit – Brick and Block Website Template

Website Templates


Brickit is a responsive website template that can be used to create a brick and block website. It comes with three color schemes, has a responsive design, and a built-in menu. This template is perfect for brick and block websites that need to be designed with a brick and block aesthetic. It comes with three color schemes that can be used to create the perfect brick and block website for your company. It also has a responsive design that can be used for all devices. It also has a built-in menu that can be used to navigate through the website. The created with the intention to be an easy-to-customize template

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"Template #" 350086
Тип: Website Templates
Downloads: 0
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Template # 350086
Type: Website Templates
Downloads: 0
Color: black, white,

generalSoftwareRequirements: Code editing tool, ZIP unarchiver,

Features: Ajax, Background video, Blog, Bootstrap, Completely JS, Dropdown Menu, Google map, HTML 5, JQuery, Portfolio, Premium, Responsive, Team Members,

webServerCompatibility: Apache 2.4, Nginx 1.2x,

tags: apartment, architecture, build, builder, building, business, company, construction, corporate, css, design, engineering, house, industrial, industry, portfolio, renovation, repair, services, technology,

Topic: Architecture, Construction Company Templates, Design, Design & Photography, Home & Family,

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