
Tools Store ZenCart Template

ZenCart Templates

Description: Your customers will easily find the tool they need on your website with simple comprehensive navigation. Main menu is strengthened by the left sidebar, where Categories, Manufacturers and Bestsellers searches are positioned. The latter block shows product images on mouse over. Large banner promises great savings to the users. Orange Add to cart button is provided for each featured product.

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"Template #" 43707
Тип: ZenCart Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 2
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Template # 43707
Type: ZenCart Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 2
Features: Admin Panel, Online Store/Shop, HTML plus JS,

Template Software Required: Adobe Photoshop CC+, PHP 5.2.14+, MySQL 4.1.3+, Apache 2+, PHP supporting CURL with OpenSSL, Zen Cart 1.5.x,

Template Sources: .PSD, .PHP,

Topic: Tools & Equipment Templates, Home & Family,

Color: white, grey, yellow,

tags: accessories, advice, air, automotive, clamps, cordless, cutting, dealer, dealership, drill, electric, gardening, industrial, master, motor, online, pliers, power, products, profile, puller, purchase, remover, rent, repair, shop, special, standard, store, tool, tools, lawn-mower,

Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

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