
Quality Alcohol ZenCart Template

ZenCart Templates

Description: No holiday can get without a bottle of good quality alcohol. It creates the atmosphere of special occasion. Beautiful, tempting template's photos tune the customers into celebration mood. Large fonts look really stylish and are clearly legible. A slider demonstrates discounted store offers each gourmet would like to have in hisher home bar. The beverages are categorized making the navigation fast and simple. Featured products are supplied with star rating, helping the customers with their choice, and informative sale tags. Breadcrumbs are above the footer, so the visitors don't take the risk to get lost among vast store inventory. Social sharing options are available for quick sharing. You can erase the boundaries of your product market with our template.

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"Template #" 52082
Тип: ZenCart Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 2
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Template # 52082
Type: ZenCart Templates
Author: WT
Downloads: 2
Color: black, white, brown,

Features: Admin Panel, Sliced PSD, Online Store/Shop, HTML 5, JQuery, HTML plus JS,

Template Sources: .PSD, .PHP,

Template Software Required: Adobe Photoshop CC+, PHP 5.2.14+, MySQL 4.1.3+, Apache 2+, PHP supporting CURL with OpenSSL, Zen Cart 1.5.x,

Trusted Elements: Free Support, Stock Photos, Satisfaction Guarantee,

zenCartModules: zxslider, Social Icons, Specials Products, New Products, Featured Products, Bannerbox, Bannerbox_all, Search Block, Navigation Block,

tags: absinthe, alcoholic, beverage, cart, cognac, gin, rum, shopping, store, tequila, vodka, whisky,

Web Forms: Contact Form, Login Form, Newsletter Subscription, User Registration, Advanced Search,

Topic: Food & Drink Templates, Food & Restaurant,

Currencies: USD, GBP, EUR,

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